
Get Your Advice The Right Way

A new favorite here is Mike Sansone’s ConverStations. His post. Horse and Buggy Web Development is a wonderful eye-opener to anyone who needs the eyes to see the whole picture; who needs to realize how blind we can be. Mike talked about web developers who don’t blog trying to give blogging solutions. He speaks of people who try to help when they don’t know what they’re doing. He speaks to people who need help and don’t know where to go to get the best they deserve. It’s some state of mind we’ve grasped and won’t give up. People for centuries have looked to priests for marital difficulties. I know a man who spent three years in jail because he went to a tax lawyer instead of someone versed in the DUI laws.
"I see a trend happening where web developers are building blogs into their customers web package - and I think that's great. But equipping your customers with blog software is the begninning, not the end. If you're a web developer that doesn't blog - either start blogging or collaborate with a blog consultant." ~~ Mike Sansone
Help is out there, if we know where to get it. Get what you need from those who know what you need.


Anonymous said...

There is so much help out there, yet it's hard to find when you really need it. Thats the real issue. And people who have the skills to help, are probably not sharing their talents.

Carolyn Manning said...


Ok, this is the way I see things. The people with the skills, with true talents, share. It's the snake oil sellers who bite us.
