
Blogging Is A Business: Shout Outs

Thoughts & Philosophies is in the midst of a massive move. Rather than spreading new tentacles of T&P all over the place, and trying to patch things together, a new roof is being built. In that light, today’s post is a Shout Out to some of the bloggers who have been instrumental in my decision. Joe, at Working at Home on the Internet offered Blogging Tip #3 - Use Trackbacks.
"Trackbacks are a way of letting another Blogger know that you have written something related to an article of theirs and included a link to them as a reference . . . In essence, using Trackbacks can help expose your Blog to the readers of the sites you have referenced in your articles. This could lead to more readers of your work. The more people that see a link to your site, the more likely someone will visit to see what you have to say."
From Rick Cockrum’s Shards of Consciousness, Look for Evolution - Not Revolution:
"Some beliefs, we find, are limiting. We impose them only on ourselves out of habit. They served a purpose at some point, but are no longer necessary. We discard them and so expand the framework of our lives. A wholesale destruction of your internal framework or your social framework is possible, but rarely necessary or even healthy. Change, and change is imminently desirable, is always accompanied by stress."
And, in Simplenomics, a great blog I found this week, Mike Sigers says, Go Big . . . Or Don’t Go At All.
"If you’re going to be a player, you’ve got to play. If you can’t run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch. Either go big, or don’t go at all. Lukewarm companies are worse than a cold company."


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the shout out, Carolyn. It sounds like you have some continuing evolution going on with the blog. New colors, rss feeds (yes, I noticed the button - coolness :) ), a store. I can't wait to see what's next.

Carolyn Manning said...

You deserve a shout out, Rick. Thanks for being instrumental in the evolution. I might have to give you a shout for the next phase.

Anonymous said...

Just ask.

Carolyn Manning said...

Thanks Rick